Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Future of Employment

You can get good help, these days.



If you have ever owned or leased a household robot, you may have wondered whether the cost and maintenance were worth it. It may have been when you learned that no one sells a robot that can fold clothes.

This is just one of the myriad tasks that still require a pair of human hands. However, hiring a pair of hands can be more trouble than it’s worth. If you have ever hired someone to care for an elderly relative, you have probably wished for a robot when you heard excuses for absenteeism.

We can provide a customized solution to your unique needs. We provide the precision of human hands with the reliability and efficiency of a robot.

Who We Are

All Hands is an employment agency specializing in placement in:

  • Domestic Help
  • Nursing & Medical Assisting
  • Entertainment
  • Hospitality
  • Personal Services (Hairdressing, Childcare)

Our advantage over robot leasing organizations is that we provide human hands when the job requires it. Our advantage over other placement firms is that we provide workers that work as efficiently and reliably as robots, for much less cost than other placement firms. We take care of all the training, payroll and scheduling.

All of our workers are shareholders. They receive shares of stock when they have our patented Training Receptor™ hardware installed in their sensorimotor cortex. This memory chip gives the shareholder the ability to directly download Task Library™ software from our vast library of specific tasks.

By downloading the Hand Movement™ data directly to their sensorimotor cortex, our shareholders avoid time-consuming training. A shareholder can report to an assignment within 60 minutes in most cases, and begin work immediately - with minimal or no supervision.

Our Task Library™ includes instruction on Effective Listening, for tasks not in the database. The memory chip keeps track of deadlines and work completed, and streams virtual reality entertainment to the shareholder.

The memory chip enables our shareholders to know when and where to show up for work each day. Our shareholders receive dividends, a stipend and medical care. If one shareholder is ill, another shareholder can take his or her place for that day.

If your specific task is not in our Task Library™, the shareholder may require some orientation. Once he or she learns the task, the muscle memory is banked in the shareholder’s memory chip. It can then be uploaded to our Task Library™, so that the precise muscle movement data can be downloaded to any of our shareholders.

If you have a task that requires a pair of human hands, but you do not want the expense or headache of hiring, visit our order form. You can place your order, have your work completed, and not have to think about it again until you receive our bill.

Some workers have criminal records, but this won’t be an issue for clients. All actions are recorded by the shareholder’s memory chip, so if there is an allegation of theft, damage or injury, the file can be reviewed by all interested parties. No worker with a criminal record is ever assigned childcare tasks.