Sunday, January 19, 2014

A Holiday to Observe Non-Violence

Observing Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday as a holiday reminds us that we can overcome. Our republic started with some good ideas, but also with some unresolved issues. These unresolved issues almost led to our republic breaking apart. After a long war we were left with a caste system that mocked our declarations of justice and democracy.

Dr. King started us on the path to overcoming these problems. We still have much to do, but we have made good start. Dr. King showed us that we can overcome our hypocrisy by ensuring equal access to education and the voting booth. He showed us that we can accomplish these things without resorting to violence. Dr. King seemed to understand that a caste system dies a long death. Rather than fighting the caste system as a whole, Dr. King focused on working for equal treatment under the law. He probably deserves much more credit than he receives for preventing a great deal of bloodshed in the struggle for equal treatment under the law. It is through equal treatment under the law that individuals can realize opportunities and overcome their own hypocrisy and prejudice.

Dr. King reminded us that if we are going to draft people into the army and levy taxes on them, then those people should be able to vote and attend public schools.