Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Retro VR promo: Give Thanks for Soft Hearts

Retro VR promo: Give Thanks for Soft Hearts: A news article about a man making sex robots inspired me to write “ Retro VR .” I had to ask  myself why the topic interested me. I c...

Friday, November 11, 2016

Open letter to President-Elect Trump

Dear President-Elect Trump,

You asked for suggestions in your acceptance speech.

Growing up during the Cold War made me into a nihilist. I believed that we would obliterate the Soviets, and they would obliterate us, before my 30th birthday. Our destruction was mutually assured. I saw no point in building a career or a family life. Loved ones helped me get over this attitude, but I still have a preference for being vaporized at Ground Zero over succumbing to radiation sickness.

I now have a young son who asks questions about your remarks on nuclear weapons that you made during your campaign. As a parent, you know that questions always lead to more questions. My challenge is to avoid passing along my nihilistic attitude.

I request two things: Explain your remarks about nuclear weaponry to our kids, and apply your deal-making skills to achieving a world free of nuclear weapons. I would not expect you to do this goal in one or two terms, but any progress you make will make it easier for our children to have hope that all humanity will not be lost.

It would also help if you could explain to the kids the remark about shooting people on Fifth Avenue and not losing any voters.


John C. Stevens